Dungeons & Dragons for Dummies
From the Publisher...
Just want to play? Here's where to start! Udnerstand the game, choose a character, and pick up the language of D&D. Dreaming of Dungeons & Dragons, but afraid it takes years to master the game? Meet your personal wizard! This book conjures up the basics to get you started - essential rules, pregenerated characters, tips and tricks to improve your play, even a foldout dungeon map and battle grid. Read it today, and play tomorrow! Discover how to: Create a character Choose skills, spells, weapons, and gear Find a game or start your own Follow D&D etiquette Become a Dungeon Master Enhance your game skills The Dummies Way: Explanations in plain English "Get i, get out" information Icons and other navigational aids Tear-out cheat sheet Top ten lists A dash of humor and fun
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Dungeons and Dragons is fun. As long as your kid doesn't get too into it, it's wholesome and a great way to spend one's time. |