From the Publisher...
In the land of ancient Greece, called Hellas, the people waged power struggles for control of the many valuable islands. The combatants faced each other over land and across the seas. In these battles with sail and sword, the combatants venture forth to discover new islands to fight over. To aid them in their battles, the combatants often seek the favor of the Gods.
more information at the Board Game Geek website
Customer Raves - Write your own Rave about this game!
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A fun semi war/abstract game for two players. The theme is interesting and the play is deceptively simple. A quick game that is easy to teach and play. |
A big game in a small box. I find that there are only very few 2 player games that have a great deal of conflict without being actual war (simulation) games. Hellas provides that and does it very well. |
Ken B.
Surprisingly, this was better than I expected, and strong on numbers and tactics. Game also develops faster than you expect, so you can't afford to fall behind at all or it will be over in a second.
It's a big wargame wallop in a small package, and I like it. |