From the Publisher...
Deep within the twisting maze that is the Labyrinth, each player searches for their own unique treasure. With a constantly changing playing board, two games will never be the same!
This unique game has won the hearts of millions of game players for over 20 years. The beautifully artistic playing cards determine the quest for your treasure. Looking for the dragon? How many routes could you possibly take? And most of all, how can you foil your opponents? Each player tries to gain the advantage over the other players by inserting the extra tile to move walls and open passages of the Labyrinth. Block and advance is the name of the game! The first player to reach all of the various treasures and return to the starting point wins!
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Great game for children - and fun for the adults too. The moving tiles are very fun to play with, but the great thing is, that they also teach planning and seeing the consequences of your actions. |