Premium Wooden Train Token Set (350)
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Each set of 50 wooden trains of each color will NOT be just 50 of the same train engine, but rather 10 of each of the following: 10 Engines, 10 Oil Tanker, 10 Box Car, 10 Coal Car and 10 Caboose! Yes thats right, you will have 10 of each type of 5 train cars in each color! Instructions for 6-9 player Ticket To Ride In a 5-player TTR game all players have 45 trains, or 225 total trains on the table. To play a 6-9 player game you don't want more than 250 trains in the game or it gets too congested. So take 250 and divide by the number of players to see how many trains each player gets, or follow this chart: # players # trains 6 42
7 36 8 31 9 28 10 25
Hint: With a lot of people you will want to be very careful which routes you take. A good variation is to let you draw 5 destination cards to start the game and only have to keep two of them, then when you draw more you can draw 4 and keep at least one. This makes for an intense game!
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