From the Publisher...
Poseidon is a game about prestige, fortune and exploration.
Greece, a long time ago. Due to the development of ships suitable for crossing the Ionian Sea, different nation start setting up trading routes and exploring new territory. Each player represents a rich family clan trying to multiply their riches. You invest in flourishing
nations by obtaining merchant licenses and even rule some of those nations if you’re the player with the most merchant licenses equaling highest influence. (The terms ‘merchant’ and ‘merchant license’ will be used synonymous.) As the ruler of a nation, you send out your discovery ship to establish trading routes and collect income with your merchant fleet.
Contents: 1 map, 30 Ship cards, 6 Special cards, 8 King cards, 1 Starting Player card, 8 Nation charters, 160 wooden disks, 8 discovery ships, 26 markers, playing money (each 24 of 500, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1), rules
more information at the Board Game Geek website
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Poseidon is an economics game with very little luck involved. You are relying completely on your strategic/tactical abilities and mistakes can be critical. This makes Poseidon quite a brain-burner, where you really feel that you have earned it, when you win. |