Blue Moon: Mimix Expansion
From the Publisher...
The Mimix are a people, consisting only of females. The close to nature females are courageous fighters, united in the stalwart sisterhood of the Mimix. Most often they are met in pairs, they are attuned to nature, are masters of disguise and said to be great hunters. They are natural friends of animals, so they may call them for assistance in combat. They are lead by the Great Spirit Mistress Blue Radiance, their path back to Blue Moon is the struggle for inner harmony. A struggle, they tend to fight with more than spiritual weapons.
The Mimix are experienced in both elements of fire and earth. But only few Mimix seek battle on their own. Most of them have a partner that has matching abilities. So the best ally of a Mimix is ... a Mimix: Only two of them make for a whole. Therefore the Mimix do not rely on boosters and support - except for some special weapons and the magic of their shamans.
A Mimix on its own is a strong opponent. A pair of Mimix is hardly defeatable in direct confrontation.
Our Comments...
Must have Blue Moon to play with expansion cards.
more information at the Board Game Geek website
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AJ Sansom
The original Blue Moon game comes with only two preconstructed races for you to use; this expansion adds one race to your collection to utilize during a game.
The Mimix probably should come with a warning about suggestive images, but with that aside, they are a very powerful and tricky race who can manipulate their hand, deck, and discard pile (all to an extent). That's part of what's cool about this game: you want to have enough races where everybody will have their favorite and identify with a specific one. |