Terror Tactics Command Deck (for use with Risk 2210)
From the Publisher...
**an unofficial expansion intended for use as an expansion to the Risk 2210 AD board game**
The all new 20 card Terror Tactics Command Deck was designed to bring new life into the world of board games and to set player's hearts pumping that little bit faster. The addition of this deck brings down more of the, so called, fog of war - the unpredictability of hostilities, meaning that at all times a player must keep their wits about them, constantly giving rise to the need for new strategies and further drawing war away from the simple roll of a dice win/lose scenario.
With the race for supremacy becoming ever more desperate in a world driven by the war machine: with extremist views becoming the mainstay and with the political system being domineered by tyrannical warmongers, the time has come for...Terror Tactics! No longer do bureaucrats endlessly try in vain to foster peace treaties between opposing factions. Instead they too have picked up their arms and having lost heart, fight for the ultimate stake – their own survival.
Where will this struggle end? Who will become the dominant power? The world's fate is in your hands!
Our Comments...
**an unofficial expansion intended for use as an expansion to the Risk 2210 AD board game**
more information at the Board Game Geek website
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