Zauberschwert & Drachenei

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Manufacturer: |
Adlung Spiele Visit their site
Designer: |
Jochen Schwinghammer
Players: |
2 to 4 |
Time: |
45 Minutes |
Categories: |
Card Game
Ages: |
12 and up |
Notes: |
- This game is imported from Europe. It may contain components and/or instructions in a different language. If you are not able to find English translations, we will do our best to help find them.
- We place our European orders about every 2 weeks. It is highly recommended that you pre-order this item now as it will reserve the next available copy we get.
From the Publisher...
Wer sammelt die meisten Machtsteine? Auf Ulahomar knistert die Magie zwischen den Zauberern, wenn es um die Frage geht, wer sich mit den magischen Kreaturen messen darf. Machtvolle Zaubersprüche, magische Orte und mächtige Artefakte sind dabei unverzichtbare Hilfsmittel. Beim Sieg über die Kreaturen erhalten die Zauberer Machtsteine, die am Ende den Erfolgreichsten von ihnen auszeichnen und zum Großmagier von Ulahomar machen. Wer wird das sein?
more information at the Board Game Geek website
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This game is often presented as a boardgame in a card game box. I think it is actually somewhere in between, but there is certainly much more meat to it than an ordinary card game. You get a lot for your money. |