KAMB Volcano A-Go-Go!
From the Publisher...
For use with KAMB 3E With 27 new spells that no Kobold lacky can live without!!
Tabriz (your unfriendly, neighborhood, spell-slinger) convinces the Kobolds to ransack BOOM Town in search of ridiculously powerful Spell Pages and return them to him for a reward. (Un)fortunately, the Kobolds discover that they can use these ridiculously powerful spells if they crumple them up and toss them at things! Can the Kobolds survive the untold perils that await them in the sleepy hamlets and treacherous passes of Mount BOOM? And just what reward does await them if they happen to make it to the top? These and other burning questions, like "How many Plague Rats does it take to kill a Mime?" will be answered when you play Volcano A-Go-Go!
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