The Settlers of Catan Pre-2007 Adapter Kit
From the Publisher...
The 4th edition of The Settlers of CatanĀ® (Settlers-2007)provides an outer frame that encloses the 19 hexes that make up the island of Catan. This adapter kit provides that frame, the frame extension pieces for the 5-6 player extension, and the harbor pieces that allow you to vary the harbor locations from game to game.
This adapter kit also allows you to use the Catan: SeafarersĀ® 4th edition (2007) with 3rd or pre-2007 editions of Settlers, MFG0483). Components: 6 sea frame pieces from Settlers-2007 (4th edition) 9 harbor pieces from Settlers 2007 (4th edition) 2 frame pieces with harbors from Settlers 5-6 extension 2007 (4th edition) 2 extra harbor pieces from Settlers 5-6 extension 2007 (4th edition) - 1 generic, 3:1 harbor, 1 wool 2:1 harbor)
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