From the Publisher...
In October 1960, The Andy Griffith Show made its television debut—and, to the delight of millions worldwide, the show has been on the air ever since! Young and old alike love Mayberry’s cast of characters, timeless humor and the values the show promotes. Mayberry-Opoly is a game celebrating this classic television show. Players buy favorite Mayberry properties, then increase their property value by collecting Bait Shops and trading them for a Big Fish. Who knows, you may win a blue ribbon for your homemade pickles, sell some jars of Miracle Salve, find your windows broken by Ernest T. Bass, or get arrested by Deputy Barney Fife!
Whether you are relaxing at the fishin’ hole or planning your escape from cell #2, Mayberry-Opoly is loaded with twists that will have everyone laughing and reminiscing about America’s favorite small town. Lots of luck to you and yours!
Product Dimensions: 1.5" H x 10" W x 20" L
more information at the Board Game Geek website
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