From the Publisher...
The classic crossword game played by millions around the world! Use your seven letters to build crosswords, and use bonus spaces to add to your score! Genuine wooden letter tiles and racks. For 2 to 4 players.
Winner of the CLASSIC Award by Parent's Choice Awards.
more information at the Board Game Geek website
Customer Raves - Write your own Rave about this game!
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Stephen B
A must have game to challenge your friends. Depending on who you play with you may need a large vocabulary, but at the same time it is a fun game to sit down and play with friends. Keep a big dictionary close by and enjoy this great classic. |
There's a lot of people today who prefer designer games to the old Hasbro/Milton Bradley classics, but Scrabble will never leave my shelf. Not only is it challenging and intriguing but very few people have never played the game. |
Over the years, quite a few new word games have appeared, but Scrabble still holds it's place as one of the best there is. The gameplay is simple but engaging and there is a great joy in using your opponents words for your own benefit. For me, what makes Scrabble keep it's appeal is actually the board - it adds a dimension sorely missing from most newer word games. |