From the Publisher...
In Bushido, players take on the roles of Daimyos - feudal lords in medieval Japan - and compete to become the next shogun of the empire. The main goal in this game of resource management and conflict is to earn enough honor, which can be achieved in different ways, either by holding provinces, winning battles, or through influential ceremonies. The first Daimyo who earns 50 points of honor wins the game.
Please note this is a German language import. It has German components but includes English rules.
more information at the Board Game Geek website
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Bushido is a very strange game. I mean this in a good way, but it is difficult for me to find anything that compares directly to it. Perhaps the closest is the old game of Diplomacy, since the essence of Bushido is really negotiating with your opponents - but there are so many other elements and twists to Bushido, that it plays very differently. I would recommend it to anyone wanting a more involved and less mechanic take on area control/war games and that sees the joy succeeding through clever manipulation of others more than brute force. |