Commands And Colors Expansion #5: C & C Epic 2

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$22.45 - Retail $35.00
Reward Points: 2,245
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*** Important Information ***> 
Must have base Commands & Colors: Ancients game and the other expansions, especially Expansion #1 Greece and the Eastern Kingdoms, Expansion Nr. 2 Rome vs The Barbarians, and Expansion #3 The Roman Civil Wars to utilize this expansion

From the Publisher...
Commands & Colors: Epic Ancients II - allows players the opportunity to fight historical ancient battles on an Epic scale. The Command & COlors: Epic Ancients II rules have undergone a slight modification to increase player involvement, providing additional depth without adding complexity. The new 100 card Epic Command deck makes the play of Command cards straightforward, with direction and important information right on each card. This will help new players grasp game play more quickly while providing experienced players more control and a very challenging competition.
Players now maneuver their armies over a double-sized map made by combining the two mounted maps found in Expansions #2 and #3, or purchased separately from this site.
The Command & Colors: Epic Ancients II game allows up to eight players to experience the competitive fun of a large sized ancients battle, but we know many enjoyed Epic Ancients as a two-player game, even though the battles last longer than a single map Commands & Colors game. Try it both ways and see how you like it!
Important: In order to play the scenarios in the Commands & Colors: Epic Ancients II expansion, you will need a copy of the basic Commands & Colors: Ancients game and the other expansions, especially Expansion #1 Greece and the Eastern Kingdoms, Expansion Nr. 2 Rome vs The Barbarians, and Expansion #3 The Roman Civil Wars.
Second Edition Commands & Colors: Ancients Epic Rule Book
1 Special Deck of 100 Command cards, modified for Epic play.
2 x Wooden Card Holders
12 Epic Ancients battles on six 11x17 battle cards
more information at the Board Game Geek website
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