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Battle Cattle : The Card Game
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This game is a lot of fun. It is almost a duplicate of another game made by Steve Jackson, by the name of "Car Wars: the Card Game". In fact, the games are so similar that Steve Jackson decided to make them bindable. So, if you own both decks, they mesh together as a cow versus car battle royale! (dont ask me *shrug*)
Let me begin by describing "Car Wars: the Card Game", so I have a basis of comparison. In "Car Wars: the Card Game", you could fire missles, machine guns, auto cannons, flamethrowers, and all types of weapons at another car, trying to peneterate a side of their armor to be able to take a shot at the driver's body. In "Battle Cattle", there is a "Methane" body shot card which passes gas on your opponent for a body shot of 3 damage (graphical representation shows an image of a cow with a green hue encompassing it). Both games are a riot and I would highly suggest this one, especially if you already own "Car Wars: the card game". |
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