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For a light family game for children, Penguin is decently themed and designed but marred by production quality. Knitzia designed this game as a themeless card game, initially, and when it was repurposed into a children's game the penguin theme and stacking mechanims were tacked on. Stacking is a fun experiment but ultimately fails: the penguins are designed to slot into one another but rarely do so. For adults, this flaw is bothersome. Players have to tediously force one penguin's arm into the ear of its subordinate, and should penguins elsewhere come apart the rules remain vague. For children, however, the flaw is infuriating. "MY PENGUINS WON'T STACK!" is a typical outburst and summary of gameplay. Fortunately, the penguins don't need to stack whatsoever - they can just be placed in a recumbant pyramid, rather than a vertical one. All the same, it's a shame... |
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