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A Castle for All Seasons
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This is a role selection game, where you build buildings and place workers to earn victory points. Although this may sound like a lot of other games, A Castle for All Seasons stands out because it manages to pack a great deal of depth into a game that can be played in just about an hour (with 3-4 players). |
A Castle for All Seasons
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Gameboard: very well illustrated. when a building is constructed the cardboard building is taken off the board to reveal and open up other options of strategy.
Gameplay: After you've played the game once you start to get a knack for the strategy. Everything that happens in the game affects everything else. Have played this game many times and with 2, 3, and 4 people. 2 players is a major battle of strategy especially when you play a few games in a row. 3 players is fun because you have more rounds in the game to "do things". 4 players is a decisive battle of options. Enjoy.
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