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Power Grid
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Power grid became one of my top 5 games almost immediately! This game involves bidding on different power plants, gathering resources, managing money and strategic city building. I also love that the game board is two sided so if playing in America gets boring you can always flip the board over and give Germany a shot. This game is AWESOME ... a must own for any game fan! |
Zombie Dice Game
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Zombie dice is a great game that is inexpensive and can be explained in less that a minute. I carry this game with me pretty much every where I go and teach it to new people all the time. |
Bang! The Bullet
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Bang! is a great game that involves a lot of different team based elements. The Bullet comes with several different expansions and has to be one of the best overall values I've seen. |
The Resistance
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I recently received this game as a birthday present and it has quickly become one of our absolute favorites! The Resistance is a game that is very simple to pick up and will allow for countless hours of fun. This game pits members of the resistance who are trying to overthrow a tyrannical government against spies who are trying to secretly supplant the resistance. All in all this game is well worth the price and one I would suggest to anyone who can gather up 5 people to play. |
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