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What's It To Ya? (New Edition)
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Laura Zhu
This is one of our favorite go-to games when we're playing games with couples who don't know that they really do love board games! One of the best things about this game is the conversations that come about because of it... |
Through the Desert
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Laura Zhu
If this game is available - do not hesitate to buy it! This is a strategy game with SUPER quality pieces that is a lot of fun... and is different every time you play! This game (as others suggest) is deceptive in its simplicity - and maddening when you play... so much can happen - so much can change! It's even great as a 2 player game! |
For Sale
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Laura Zhu
One of the quickest games to learn! I've had great success playing this with casual gamers and intense Euro-only gamers. The game is brilliant in its two round design: the first round - accumulate property. The second round: Try to sell it for the highest payout. The result - a quick - and fun game! |
Poison (Reiner Knizia's Poison)
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Laura Zhu
I'm a big fan of EVERY Reiner Knizia game I've ever played, but this one is fun for kids of all ages. This game is a great game for intense gamers and casual gamers alike and can be quickly played (perfect for game nights when you need something to fill a little time while you're waiting for others to finish their games.) If you can count to thirteen, this game will make your lucky day. |
Battle Line
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Laura Zhu
This is a fantastic game for 2! If you like Lost Cities then I'm certain you'll like Battle Line. There's a little bit of luck involved but a whole bunch of skill is required. The tactic cards often level the playing field and help keep you motivated to keep trying to win even if you think all is lost. This game is expertly designed and keeps both my husband and myself happy. Plus, it's available in Chinese! |
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