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Scrabble Deluxe
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Randy Cox
There isn't a better word game on the market. Boggle comes close, but this game rewards in so many ways--from those with knowledge of great connecting words to those with super vocabularies and, of course, the math wizards.
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Randy Cox
Who would have thought that a cross between Battleship and Anagrams would be so much fun. Like Jotto (or My Word), it's all about deducing a short word based on what letters are and are not present. But because all the words are pre-set (no picking your favorites), there's a more random aspect--you figure they're throwing curves at you so you don't waste precious time thinking of the most common letters (because the publisher didn't use those). Really fun and a nifty contraption. |
Telestrations Party Game
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Randy Cox
This is the party game hit of the past decade. Sure, some people know it as "the telephone game" but it's so much better with the nifty dry erase boards and markers and also with a scoring system. I have yet to see a group who disliked the game. |
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