From the Publisher...
Face 2 Face Games is happy to announce an addition to our signature series of games. The Reiner Knizia Signature series premiering with Rheinlander. Hundreds of years ago the heart of Europe was divided. Powerful dukes ruled their duchies from their castles on the banks of the Rhine, and earned a rich income from their wealthy cities. Struggles for power were everyday, and frequently the intervention of the more influential bishops was necessary. Now you have the chance to expand your rule over the Rhine country. Outwit your opponents to expand. Outwit your opponents, and gain more power. Who will become the new ruler over the Rhine?
more information at the Board Game Geek website
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Rheinländer is a game about area control and clever positioning. It's an engaging game play experience with lots of strategic and tactical nuances. One of the best things about Rheinländer is that cards can be used (less efficiently) for any area of the board, which reduces the luck factor and means that everyone is making progress constantly. |