San Marco
more information at the Board Game Geek website
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Tim Kennedy
A good game on several levels: beautiful to look at, simple to explain, and a relatively short play time despite some agonizing decisions. The basic mechanic: one player divides the cake, the other player chooses his slice. Of course, instead of cake you're using action and penalty cards that allow to gain influence on various districts in Venice. Interestingly, I think this game plays better with 3 than 4. One small quibble. The rules have some small gaps that the Boardgame Geek largely clears up. On the whole, though, a nice addition to any collection. |
The simple mechanic of splitting a deck and choosing works brilliantly to create touch decisions. One of my best games for 3 players. |
Great area control game that works very well for 3 players. I particularly like the way you are constantly forced to created balanced card piles for your opponents to choose. |
San Marco has one specific mechanism that makes me really enjoy it - one player divides ressources while others choose first which pile to take. This reminds me of the way we used to share legos when I was little and it works really well in the game, since it adds a layer of decisions that are not purely tactical and which involve all the players - and it is a great way to make everyone feel engaged in each players turn. San Marco plays perfectly with 3 players, by the way, which I find is a bit rare in board games. |
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