From the Publisher...
In Chrononauts, each player becomes a time traveler, with a unique identity and a secret mission. During the game, players travel backwards and forwards through history, doing all those things people have always dreamed of using a time machine to do: Visiting the great moments of the past, peeking into the future, collecting up impossible artifacts and priceless works of art (at the moment just before history records their destruction), coming to grips with the paradoxes of time travel, and of course, changing pivotal events and altering the course of history itself. How would the timeline be different if Lincoln and JFK had not been assassinated? And is that the version of reality that you came from originally... the one you must return to in order to win? It's all packed into a fast and easy Fluxx-style card game that will take you to the beginning of time and back again.
more information at the Board Game Geek website
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Bryan O'Connell
Chrononauts is a very fun light weight game of "what-ifs." The theme of the game is very interesting, in that you're trying to fix the mistakes of other time travelers. The game allows several different ways to win. Usually a good tug-of-war ensues, as players battle over highly sought after events/years. It supports 1-6 players. Enjoy! |
Tim Park
I love the theme of this game, but I think the mutliplayer game suffers from a couple mechanics that seem a bit tacked on. But I really enjoy the solitaire game, which dispense with the extra stuff and pares it down to the central theme of manipulating history to get back to the alternate timeline your character originates from. |
Chrononauts is a card game about time travel, that manages to create a complex interaction of events/cards through simple rules. I particularly like the fact that each player has their own goals to achieve through manipulating the same timelines as everyone else! |