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Catan Histories: Settlers Of America - Trails To Rails
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This game "trails" away from Catan's original game-play, but is refreshing and just as fun, although different. The point system, resources and the way things are built may have been altered but the award winning game-play is still there and still very addictive and fun. This is a good break from standard Catan games and on it's own a very good game as well. I have to say it's also one of the most well made, as most catan games are, boardgames on the market and fantastic fun to play! |
Catan Histories: Settlers Of America - Trails To Rails
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I am a huge fan of Settlers of Catan. I was excited when this game was announced and I was not disappointed when I first played it. The game has the same feel as Catan but really only shares a few of the mechanics from its parent game. There is enough new stuff in this game to make it a must have for Catan fans. I particularly like how you must balance your city building with delivery of goods. You must keep a balanced approach to your development. Great game and highly recommended. |
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