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Balloon Cup (English Version)
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Scott Dieterman
Up, up and away!!! I find this game can be played at 2 levels. If you are just mildy competitive and strategic, you'll find this to be a fairly short, fun game. Simply try to play your cards in the right location to get the Highest or Lowest points, win races, receive trophies and win.
If you are a very strategic player, you can look ahead or remember what's been played in the past. Also, if you know how many cards and cubes are available, it helps you plan your next move or next few moves.
I've heard some people say every move is spelled out for you, but I strongly disagree as I can see into the game and the hidden strategies.
The game is very easy to learn - probably less than 5 minutes to learn and get the hang of it on the first few turns.
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