Fair Play's "Play by Play"
"For Sale"


For Sale: Selling Property in Phase 2
In phase 2 all players will have a hand of cards consisting of those properties they just bought.

Each round, checks are placed out on the table (one per player, just like the properties were). The checks range in value from $15,000 down to the Void checks worth nothing.

This time, instead of bidding with cash, the players bid for the checks using the property cards. Hopefully you purchased a lot of high valued property!

Each player will place one of their property cards face down on the table. When everyone is ready, they're revealed. The player with the highest valued card takes the highest valued check from the table. Then the player with the next highest property card takes the next check, and so on until all checks are picked up. Rounds continue like this until all property cards have been used.

Then it's time to figure out who won!

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