Fair Play's "Play by Play"


Let The Battles Begin!

If your attack card depicts the crossed swords (as shown here), only one of your nations can go into battle. The nation must attack another nation of the same type or a nation that is his natural enemy. Natural enemies are indicated in the lower right of the cards.

Shield icons indicate how many dice you can roll. Attacker and defender both roll their dice and compare values. Each players' highest values are compared first, then next highest if both rolled at least two dice. In each case, the player who rolled highest wins a casualty from the opponent's army. As long as the attacker has units left, he can choose to keep fighting!

Symbols on the cards give bonuses too. The player with the most bow icons can add +1 to his highest die. Lastly, if the attacking army has one or more horse icons on his units, he can attack again if his first battle is successful.

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